Picking My Brain 07-06-03
Little Known Fun Factoid
In none of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's Sherlock Holmes mysteries does any character ever utter the famous phrase, “No shit, Sherlock.”
The History Channel
I know they show movies that have some relation to history, such as “Patton” and “The Longest Day”. But why do they show the movie “The Planet of the Apes”? That wasn’t part of our history, was it?
Are There Any Standards?
I've been listening to news reports of the lengths the people in the Bush administration went to to circumvent their constitutional responsibilities and I have to wonder: Is protecting themselves from being held accountable for their actions the only thing that motivates them?
My brain's starting to hurt on account of I haven't been picking at it this hard in so long, so I'm going to stop this one right here. Thinking's hard. It's hard work.
Heh, the answer to your third item is found in your first item. :)
So happy you're back!!
"Is protecting themselves from being held accountable for their actions the only thing that motivates them?"
Well, yes.
Hey Wayne, where are you? I see you popping in on TP now and then, so I know you're not computerless...
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